
June 28, 2012

A Newbie With Etude House It's Real Mask Sheet Broccoli And To Other Masks

Two nights ago, it's the first time for me to try on a facial mask! I tried, however, Baviphat Apple AC Therapy Sleeping Mask and I quite liked it because it was a sleeping mask, perfect for lazy persons like me. But that was months ago and maybe I'll tell you about my findings on it if I repurchase it. I filled up my curiosity to try on a mask that has to be taken off after 15 minutes. So, I tried Etude House It's Real Mask Sheet Broccoli. I chose it for its anti-oxidant properties and it belongs to the new line of masks of Etude House.

Mask Newbie
Because I am a newbie, I didn't know which side to put it on! Good thing Etude House has some simple, understandable English instructions. They have illustrations too, which is also very helpful!

For other first timers, I guess the trick is that the  inner part from the fold is the side to your face and the thin film that edges out slightly is the outer part. It's quite tricky for me because the film is too thin to be recognized, unlike with nose films that it's easy to know.

I just followed the rest of the instructions and I waited for 15 minutes before removing it off. A timer is helpful in case you're too bothered to check on the time every minute and figuring out if it's time already.

My Experience With The Mask
I found out that masks can be pretty sticky. I thought it's just like moist tissues. I don't know if all masks are sticky but the  Etude House It's Real Mask Sheet Broccoli  is sticky for me and it felt like saliva on my face. LOL

After removing the mask, you have to massage the remaining extracts on your face. I didn't care about the stickiness after because majority of it was absorbed into my face. However, it took awhile to do the massaging and the patting before the remaining extracts to be fully absorbed.

When I woke up, my face was not oily, especially on my T-Zone but it was quite sticky, dewy and quite bright! I had some budding zits the night before but the next day, it was ripe and hopefully will die easily with a help from tea tree oil. After washing my face, it was soft, tight, and bright!

Final Thoughts About Masks
I've known that a part of having good skin is to have the basic skin care regimen but it's also good to apply on a pack or put on a pack once in awhile for extra pampering. And I guess, this will be a good addition aside to the nose packs/films and scrubs that I follow once or twice a week.

After this experience with Etude House It's Real Mask Sheet Broccoli, I would like to try on other masks. It just didn't give a WOW factor on me and it's a little pricey compared to some other Etude House mask sheet types and brands. Come to think of it, I still have another mask from Etude House that has been stowed away and has been forgotten to be tried on!

Which Etude House It's Real Mask Sheet WOWed you? If no, then what sheet mask or pack always give you a WOW? Tell me about it! m(___)m (n_n)

June 27, 2012

Losing And Misplacing Things, A Ranting

I really hate it when I lose or misplace important stuffs such as my comb or scrunchies, but most especially if you misplace your beauty essentials. I particularly don't have a room of my own, until now! We have a small house and right now, my baby and I are sleeping in the living room because my Omma is concerned that she will fall off from the bed. Oh well...

Speaking of losing and misplacing things, I misplaced my tea tree oil. I usually put it in the same place but I couldn't find it! I have some budding zits again. T_T With of that, I was compelled to buy another one. It breaks me because the misplaced one wasn't even half done yet. Hmmm....

And I don't like the idea of finding it after buying a new.What do you call that? Is that some ways of karma?

Oh well. T_T

June 16, 2012

Skin79 The Oriental Gold BB Cream Plus Sold Dirt Cheap!

To commemorate the Philippine Independence Day, I bought a new BB cream! Actually, it's just a coincidence. XD

I bought Skin79 The Oriental Gold BB Cream Plus for only Php 450 from a previous co-worker.Can you believe that it's dirt cheap?

She said it's authentic. I suppose so too, so I trust her. She said it's dirt cheap because she got it directly from the supplier plus she doesn't have an online or a physical store. And though I got the BB cream without the box, it's perfectly sealed.

See the seal?

If you buy this BB cream in other online stores, it's double the price and exclusive of the shipping fee. How much more if you buy from stores? (x_x)

So when my previous co-worker tagged me in the photo in her FB, I grabbed the opportunity! I just hope that this BB cream will fit me well. (^_^)

Have you ever bought a usually-expensive-product for a dirt cheap price? Please do share! (^o^)

posted from Bloggeroid

June 2, 2012

Join Belle De Jour's Mini-giveaway!

Because it's June, I'm joining Belle De Jour's Mini-giveaway! It's called: My 50 followers Mini Giveaway.
You can win cool prizes. (^o^)

I hope I can win this time. Try your luck to. Just click here to join. (^o^)