December 28, 2011

Officially One Year At Ebay

I checked my ebay membership just recently and I just found out that I started ebay on December 18th of last year and not February of this year. So, I have been a member of ebay for a year now. Hurray to that!

However, after my first ever purchase through ebay in February of this year, I have not been so active. Ebay has just been a recourse for me if I can't find what I want to have through sellers in Facebook. I have been more active in the last quarter and, specifically on these dates:

I have became enamored with all of the Korean products in this ebay store and they are sold cheaply compared to other online sellers. And what's better, is that, I can just pick-up the items near my house. And I guess, I have been one of their sukis.

I also got many good deals in ebay, like with my The Chronicles of Narnia book and with my original Nokia BL-5c Battery Pack. These items usually cost MORE in mall shops and it's really good to find a-fraction-of-the-price items in ebay. It will not really hurt your wallet.

Ebay policies and protocols are up to par to prevent and avoid bad transactions of buyers and sellers as well. Ebay is a good site for your shopping needs and it is a trusted site for most. It's user friendly and matches for your searches are mostly on the dot, that it makes online shopping a breeze.

So, far I have not met a bogus seller in ebay, and I hope not ever in the future. I always make sure that the seller has positive feed backs and check if the seller respond to any concerns and queries before making any official transactions.

Are you an ebayer? How was your experience?

December 26, 2011

Christmas Presents 2011

For this year's Christmas, I was able to get everyone in the family some presents. And it only cost me less than Php 500. How thrifty is that! I got most of them online, except one, which I got from a local warehouse store near our village.

Take a look of what I got!
The mirror is from the local warehouse store; the hand scrubs and the lipstick on the middle are all from online.

Online stores are the best escape from all the crowded malls during Christmas Season. They also offer big discounts on Christmas like in the malls. They offer good quality too. Just look for the good online sellers/stores and they'll sure save you from all the hassles during the holiday season.

Till Next Transaction!

I bought something from my suki ebay seller around two weeks ago. Fortunately, the product that I wanted was not available anymore. The bad thing is, they informed a little too late. I cannot change the payment details anymore because it was my turn to pay already and I waited 30 minutes just to get my self on the counter. The good thing is, the seller agreed to change it with an item with the same amount of the product that I originally wanted. So, all is well.

So, if you are an ebay buyer, you always asked to leave a feedback once you got your item. I left a neutral item that I didn't get. Of course, how would I leave a feedback that I did not even receive? Right? I just marked it neutral for the purpose that my feedback is neither good or bad.

But after a day, the seller asked to revise the feedback to a positive one. Every positive feedback is important to them (hers and to her online store). Thinking about it, they have been good to me. I've been making transactions with them almost every month and I would always enjoy a lot of freebies with my purchases. And with the recent purchase, the seller included extras for the item that was changed for the product. Why not? I gave with them a positive feedback but with some neutral scores. I guess that'll do.

It was a little disappointing. I didn't get the product that I wanted but at least the seller was kind enough to change the product. Will I ever have another transaction again? Yes, why not? The seller has a lot of good Korean products hard to find here locally. Plus, they sell those for a fraction of a cost and I can just pick them up near where I live!

December 22, 2011

Alcatel OT-918n, Seems Like Made for Me XD

I already stashed away the extra money for savings. I'm now just waiting for January for my ticket reimbursement from our Lolo. So by the time that I'll receive it, I'm ready to buy either a lappy or a mobile.

For the past few days, I was already searching for a prospect mobile that would fit my low budget of Php6,000. The phone must:
  • be within the budget range of Php 6,000.
  • have the basic functionas: can text and can call.
  • have a good battery life.

Basically, that's it! Maybe also, it can:
  • be a dual sim phone
  • and have Android OS 2.3.5. XD

While I was searching for the prospect phone, Tekpone posted this on their Facebook page.

Alcatel OT-918n

Take note, it meets all the criteria on my list and it's just Php 5,999, a peso to spare! Just hit the picture to see what I mean!

It's just released last November of this year and Tekpone just got them on their store shelves just this month. No, user reviews yet. I'm already excited to have this phone! January is the extended December! Why not? XD

December 20, 2011

The Last Planner You’ll Ever Have Giveaway

Too bad, I didn't win the planner giveaway a few weeks ago. T_T But good news to me, here is another planner giveaway! This is brought by geekgirlmanila.

A sneak peek on what's what.

It's a not-so-typical planner. Kinda reminds me of Witty Will Save the World, Co's planner. I thought it was theirs but too bad, they are not going to make any planners. Still, this is very unique and maybe THIS is the Last Planner You’ll Ever Have!

Click here to join!

I hope I can win this time. Crossing fingers on this one! XD

December 7, 2011

Wishlist Update: Starbucks 2012 Planner

Christmas is a few days away! I already have one item in my short wishlist actually coming true!

And to make my wishlist a little longer, I want to have a planner for the coming year. Technically, according to Word Web, a planner is a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc. Some people actually make their own planner with a cute notebook or reusing unused old planners and be creative with it. But, the feeling is not the same when you actually use a "planner" with the current year, with all the dates and months, and other add-ons of a planner. So, I wish to have a very cute, nice planner. Like a Starbucks planner!

Luckily, I came across this one: GIVEAWAY: 2012 STARBUCKS PLANNER.

The mechanics is very easy! You just have follow @misslei on Twitter and tweet: @misslei is giving away one (1) 2012 edition Starbucks Planner in Oak plus Php300 worth of Starbucks GCs! – Subscribe to IMPERFECTLEI.ORG feeds and you can also blog about it. The latter is optional but who wouldn't want getting 5 additional entries? The more entries, the more chances of winning right? After completing the requirements, leave a comment at IMPERFECTLEI.ORG with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email address (used to subscribe to the feeds)
  • Link to your tweet
  • Link to your blog entry (optional)

Easy right? XD

I'm not that of a coffee drinker and I'm the very "kuripot" (parsimonious) type. I don't want to spend all my money drinking coffee. So, I really hope that I will win this! !^o^!

Click here if you want to join too! Good luck! (^o^)y

November 30, 2011

Etude House Happy Tea Time in Green Tea and Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum Review

No work today! Hurray!

It's good thing I can do my blogging again. The more I need to blog, the more I believe having my own laptop is very beneficial. Just sayin'! :)


I have been using Etude House Happy Tea Time in Green Tea for around two weeks now. And true to some reviews, it leaves your face squeaky clean but not leaving it dry! My pimples also dry fast, though not overnight. I'm happy with the result and did not regret buying it as part of my cleansing routine.

On the other hand...

Recently, I bought Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum in trial sachets. I cannot afford to buy the big bottle and I want to try if it is really for me. Good thing, I got some trial sachets from my "suki" ebay seller.

This serum has mixed reviews on its effectiveness. Some bad, some good, and some are neutral. For me, I would say, it is almost good. Not neutral, not yet good. I'm not convinced yet. My findings with this product are one, it has very nice oil control on my face. I used this before using a BB cream and the difference is very BIG! Two, it did not leave any dry patches unlike some creams that I used before. Three, my pores have becomes less visible, and I believe smaller. I'm not really sure if it did broke me out 'cause I was at the PMS days when I tried this, but again, oil control is great for me. And I guess, four, this serum also is also very hydrating for me. I don't double with my moisturizer any more. I have to discontinue my moisturizer since it doesn't have oil control. Maybe another review on that. Another finding also, not really necessary, is that I can see little sparkles after application. I don't know what it is but no worries, it does not cause any detriments to the effectiveness.

I have been using this serum almost everyday and I really cannot say about the cons yet. Like I said, I was on my PMS days when I tried it and usually I have a big one or two on the forehead. I'll see for one more week, especially when my moon days are over before I can conclude that this does not break me out. Nonetheless, I want to continue using this one!

November 23, 2011

LF: New Cellphone

I have a Samsung D88 Duos which I got online last February of this year. Actually this is my first purchase from ebay! I got it as a secondary phone next to my old N73. This is already a second-hand phone but I really didn't mind buying it at that time. I just wanted a phone that can accommodate my Sun and Smart sims. It was priced good and the condition was still good when I got it. It's pretty durable and I can surf the net with it, with its satisfactory WAP/Edge system. It isn't so bad for a second-hand phone.

My Samsung D88 Duos

Just this recently, in fact today, it's already showing signs of defect. I have been using it almost everyday with Facebook Zero and I guess, it had enough with the sliding up and down. If I turn it on with its compact size, it would turn on. But when I slide it up to type, it will turn off! And vice-versa. The flex inside has taken the toll of it. T_T

Because of that, I went window-shopping again online for a cheap secondary phone. And look what I have found in ebay!


Judging from the comments on the website, I want to give it a try and experience the wonders of a triple-sim phone. XD I already have plans, though, on getting (or wishing for) a droid like what I mentioned in my previous blog. But if I'll not get a new phone in six month's time, this phone will be one of the phones that I will consider.

Just before finishing this blog, I checked my phone again whether or not it is already broken. Actually, not yet. Hurray for that! But, the display will not appear immediately if you slide it up and down for a couple of times. You have to wait for awhile for the display to appear. Still sad to know, at least it still works. Then again, the flex is definitely broken.

November 21, 2011

Wish List 2011

Christmas is only a few days away. I still can't help to make my Christmas wishlist this year, though I'm already getting older. T_T Nonetheless, the idea makes me younger just thinking about it.

Rewinding back a few months ago, I realized I've gotten most of my material wishes online. I got my copy of an unabridged, 7n1 compilation of The Chronicles of Narnia from an ebay seller. I got my Lolita from I got my coveted kabuki brush from an online seller in FB. And I got them all for all reasonable prices and online!

I thought that I wouldn't make a wishlist for this year since I got most of the items that I wanted. But I am mistaken. I still have a few things that I want to have and maybe get them online!

I want to have these:

1. The Twilight Saga

2. Samsung Galaxy Y

3. Laptop

The first on the list is the Twilight Saga novels. I got my Twilight copy, the first book, from bookmooch but I gave it away because it frustrates me to see only one book of the Twilight Saga and not being able to read the next books. Only to my regret though. U_U I really don't care if I get all in paperback but a hardbound series is better. I'm really hoping that someone would give it to me this Christmas.

The second one is a Samsung Galaxy Y. I've been saving for this one but to my dismay, I may not have this phone. T_T This phone got good reviews and a really reasonable price. I've also seen some online sellers in Facebook about their lay-away plans for gadgets. But still... T_T

I didn't provide any photo for the last one. I don't really mind about the specs as long as it is a laptop with an i3-i5 processor and an ASUS. :P

My mind is rushing to get the second one on the list. But again, I can't. It's actually competing with the third one on the list. And the third one is more important than the second one. For the first one, I will wait until a miracle will happen in Christmas. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

How about you, what's your Christmas wish list for this year?

November 19, 2011

Etude House Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foam in Green Tea: A Gloomy Day's Purchase


I woke today in a rather bad mood. I woke up very early to do all the things that I need to do but I still ended up going out from the house late. I had to rush since today is not my day-off. I only have an hour to shop for things that I need.

To compensate for the gloomy day, I bought myself a tube of Etude House Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foam in Green Tea. Actually, this was not part of the plan. I was planning to buy myself a Daiso Charcoal Cleansing Foam. But when I arrived at Saizen, there were NO STOCKS of Daiso products anymore! I was like GAH! There were still Sumi Charcoal Cleansing Foams on hand but I was skeptical on trying one because I haven't read reviews about it yet. Only to my endless disappointments! So I just walked out and went through the grocery. After buying things, Etude House shown itself in front of me and saying "Hi! We have our Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foam in Green Tea instead. Please take a sip and be rejuvenated! (^_^)" (The line, however, is just made up. I just imagined Etude House store would say such to a down girl.) Oh well, yes, I succumbed. Much to my impulsiveness again.

I guess this will not be a bad buy. I have already read soooo many reviews about Etude House Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foams and most of them are really POSITIVE! I have been using another facial foam before but it has always left me with a dry, dull, skin. I have never purchased that facial foam again. It has been a year that I haven't been using a decent facial cleanser. I'm using a baby wash as my facial cleanser but it doesn't cleanse my face enough. Especially recently, I have been wearing a BB cream and other make-ups. So, that's why I've been searching reviews for a good facial cleanser and suitable for my skin type. And I really hope, Etude House Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foam in Green Tea will be the cleanser that I have been looking for!

I'm hoping though that Etude House Happy Tea Time Cleansing Foam in Green Tea for thrift users like me. (#^O^#) The price is alright for a 150 ml. I think it can last me more than 6 months or so. And again, I'm hoping to have a good experience with this cleanser!

Getting excited to try a new find is a good way to end a gloomy day. All's well that ends well! (^o^)