May 29, 2020

Beauty Labo Hair Dye in Candy Apricot Before and After Review

Four months ago, I tried Beauty Labo Hair Dye in Candy Apricot. Now, it has faded into a bit of a brown colour. Not very brassy but a tolerable copper colour. Perhaps the shampoo that I have been using also helped with how it managed my hair.

Four months ago

Look how bright the colour is! These pictures were taken at the office. My station is right under the fluorescent lights, that is how bright Candy Apricot can be. Take note that my hair was previously coloured but my roots were already showing. Definitely, it covered the roots effectively.

Beautylabo hair dye in Candy Apricot
I just realized that I think I wasn't able to do my hair colouring properly.
However, definitely covered those growing greys.

Beautylabo hair dye in Candy Apricot
Freshly coloured roots! The red is so intense.

Current hair

After four months, this is what my hair has come to be. It became brown. I'd rather not say it has become brassy. It faded nicely. I believe the shampoo that I'm using currently using contributed to how it looks like. It's not frizzy, too.

Beautylabo hair dye in Candy Apricot after four months
The colour is still vibrantly brown and not discoloured badly.
I like how Beauty Labo Hair Dye fades this way.

Beautylabo hair dye in Candy Apricot after four months
The roots are already showing and grey hairs are popping, too.
I like that it does not make a line from the roots and the part that has still colour on it.
It faded well. 

Will I try this colour again? I think not. It was a fun adventure with such a striking colour. I think I'll go back to my previous hair colour. That would be either Creamy Ash or Pure Beige. What do you think? If you'd like to now more about my experience with those two hair colours, check out Beautylabo Hair Dye in Creamy Ash and Pure Beige Review.

Have you tried Beauty Labo Hair Dye in Candy Apricot, too? Please share your thoughts about it!

May 13, 2020

Online Shopping in Time of ECQ

Hi guys! How are you? How have you been holding up from all the chaos of #COVID19?

After almost four months of not writing here, I miss writing here! Yes, I did say my reviews will be on my Instagram but I haven't really been actively posting product reviews. I've posted food pictures, instead. That is to hype-up a local bakery and my friend's pastries. Well, in terms of writing about products I've tried, I'm taking my sweet time... or 'being lazy' is the better way to describe me and my blogging ethic. Then again, I miss it here. So, I may just repost what I had posted on Instagram so far.

Anyway.... I'm pretty much hanging on until this time. It's a challenge to go through this pandemic. You have to be calculative on how to consume your necessities, since going to the grocery or anywhere right now takes away a lot of time and patience. You have to deal with long lines due to social distancing and long wait-times on queue because establishments are short-staffed. Shopping online and having things delivered have made it quite easy, I should say. If you are one of my followers, you may have noticed I have done a little bit of online shopping for food and products.

Here are some of the items that I've ordered online.  ^o^

Freshly-baked products from Bread for EveryJuan

This is my first online purchase since the pandemic started. I got to know Bread for EveryJuan through my office friend, Mhoi. I believe she saw them being posted in her condominium's Facebook group or something. Apparently, the bakery is just near, but you can't really go anywhere on a whim right? I ordered from them when I was craving for affordable bread because there was no bread in the grocery when I went on a supply run at that time. I got to try their ube cheese pan de sal, both the regular and special ones, spanish bread, and their loaf bread. I love their spanish bread. Their regular and special ube cheese pan de sal are fan favourites!

Bread for EveryJuan's spanish bread
Loving Bread for EveryJuan's spanish bread!

Their menu have vastly innovated since. They have nostalgic favourites, too, such as pan de coco and monay. If you want to order freshly-baked products from Bread for EveryJuan, you can send them a message on their social media sites:


Lip and Cheek Rolly Liquid Lipsticks from Sooperbeaute 

My no-makeup-buy creed was broken when I took advantage of Sooperbeaute's Buy 3 Take 1 sale sometime at the start of the lockdown. I told my self that purchasing them would be my gift to my self at the end of the lockdown. If you remember at that time, couriers were at a pause and were scheduled to be back to business in the middle of April. Government measures somehow eased up on delivery services after the Holy Week, so I guess that's why my orders were shipped earlier than expected! We're already in the middle of May and still in lockdown, but I got an early gift. XD

I got the shades Baby Girl, Bebe, and Pumpkin, with the take one, Dulzura. I just opened Pumpkin since we're still in lockdown. XD I still have tons of lip makeup just lying around and I don't have much of an excuse to open and use all of them. Maybe a swatch? Let's see.

Sooperbeaute Lip and Cheek Rolly Liquid Lipstick in Pumpkin
This is me wearing Sooperbeaute Lip and Cheek Rolly
Liquid Lipstick in Pumpkin

As of today, Sooperbeaute is available to take orders from their Shopee page or shoot them a direct message on their Instagram account.

Babe Formula fragrant shampoos

Curiosity and rave reviews of this well-hyped local shampoo brand got me buying from Babe Formula. The usual feedback is that their shampoos are very fragrant, leaves the hair soft, and make it look like the hair is treated from the salon. Who wouldn't want that right?

It's been over a month since I have used their shampoos. So, I may post what I think about them soon.

Babe Formula in Nectar and Bloom
Babe Formula in Nectar and Bloom

If you're getting curious, too, check them out on their Instagram account. You may want to buy them, too, I bet!

Comfort brownies From Scratch Pastries

My friend, Mich, has been baking ever since I know her from college. Just around a couple of years or so, she put her love of baking into an empire. However, because of the pandemic situation she put the baking business on hold. It wasn't until recently that she's back to business!

I'm so happy knowing that I could order her scrumptious brownies any time that I want from now on, of course with a one-day lead time. Her pastries have the right amount of sweetness. You'll definitely be comforted. Aside from her brownies, her crinkles and banana bread are to die for. One of my office friends, Drew, can attest to this. ^o^

Moist brownies From Scratch Pastries
Moist brownies From Scratch Pastries

Check out her modified product list for the enhanced community quarantine on her Instagram account. Shoot her a direct message there, too.

Marigold Skin Brightening Serum from Cleopatra's Secret Skin Care 

I got to know this brand from the numerous times they participated in Edsa Shangri-la's weekend bazaars. I'm just checking out their products whenever I get the chance to go to their booth, but I never get to buy anything from them. Following them on their Instagram account, allowed me to learn about their products and how natural healing is best for overall wellbeing.

I took advantage of their sale on their Shopee page. I got their Marigold Skin Brightening Serum for a great fraction of a cost, plus a Shopee voucher. How cool is that!

Cleopatra's Secret Marigold Skin Brightening Serum  with a freebie mask in Refreshing Basil and Thyme
Cleopatra's Secret Marigold Skin Brightening Serum
with a freebie mask in Refreshing Basil and Thyme

I'm now using the serum. I'm still on the test phase. I'll share my thoughts about it after a couple of months, or till I get a solid feel about it. As a preview, the serum calms and relaxes you.

They're usually known for their variety of masks that targets skin concerns, such as acne, fine lines, and aging. They also have a skin care line, body oils, and acupressure tools! Get to know more about them and their products on their Instagram account.

Freshly-cooked meals from The Giving Cafe

I'm listing this at the end because I haven't taken a decent picture of all the food I have ordered from them. It's either I take a shaky picture of it or forget to take a picture. ^o^  The food that I've ordered from them always taste so homey and filling. Their food prices are reasonable, given with the quantity and quality. You won't regret ordering from them, honestly.

I got to know about them when I was browsing Grab Food during Good Friday, and they're one of the few that were open at that time. I got to try their Taiwanese Fried Pork Chop first. Since then, I always check them out when I want a freshly-cooked meal. I like their Buttered Chicken and White Pasta best.

If you'd like to order from them, they're open daily as early as 7 am to 7 pm for delivery and pickup.  They're also available in Grab, FoodPanda, and Hopefully, when this is over, I may just go to their cafe in person. <3

Get to know more about them here:


Shopping online has kept my senses away from being anxious and my bank account quite depleted. If this is the new normal, I don't know if living like this is very feasible for me. I still prefer going out once in a while, checking and trying out new things. I miss going to the malls without having to worry about getting to close with other people or dilly-dally your way out.

There's recent news going around that the enhance community quarantine will soon be lifted or changed to a general community quarantine. I don't know if that's good news already because I think it's still immature to do so and there's no vaccine.

Well, I hope everything will turn out better soon. Let's hang in there!