January 1, 2023

Looking back and thinking about my future specifics

Happy New Year, guys! Can you believe that it's already 2023? Time flies so fast. It was just 2022 last night. XD

I bet resolutions are already coming in. I got mine, too, and I'm shameless to share in awhile.

I'm glad that for the past year, somehow I hit my goals. Let me go over them.

Chokchok skin

I believe I maintained the chokchokiness of my skin. It was just a bit of a challenge since we're back to the office and I have to adjust hydration. See my skincare journal as of November, 2022.

Coffee, dairy, and sweets

I drank less milk tea, even though I went a bit over 12 glasses. Keeping tabs on it in my Instagram helped me to check my self and keep track.

I haven't drank any coffee for the past year. Maybe just 1%, when my BB gives me her milk with coffee ( Yes, she puts a bit of coffee in her milk, sadly). Or when I eat coffee jelly or coffee icecream. Okay, maybe around 5-10%. But I don't buy instant coffee anymore or brew one. I don't choose to buy coffee. I kind of miss tasting that pure coffee with milk but I avoid it. I'm okay with smelling one when I pass buy cafes.

My coffee alternative is  corn coffee. It doesn't have caffeine. The taste is somehow there but not totally. XD It still is different.

My dairy alternative has become plant-based. Usually it's soy. Sometimes, oat. I only consume dairy when I indulge myself in milk tea. You can't really ask the shop to substitute the milk unless you go to cafes.

I opted to avoid coffee and dairy for health reasons. I work at night and has a bit of trouble now adapting my sleep schedule. Lack of sleep plus coffee equals to palpitation. I avoid that to happen. 

Consuming zero to less dairy also helped me pinpoint some health concerns. I've read that dairy may cause some vaginal itchiness and acne. And it helped! I don't get acne anymore or have issues down there. XD

Workout, hyrdation, and reading

My workout routine is very sporadic, which is sad. I'm so lazy. I want it to be more consistent and excercise like I used to, which is like three to four times a week.

I still have issues on hydrating myself. Keeping a tumbler or flask right next to me is a great reminder to stand up and drink water. Having an SO that is pro-drinking water also helps.

My reading routine this year is very slow. It kind of helps that we have a book club with our team at work. So I was able to read three and I'll be finishing one soon, so that's four from the club. I've read using ebooks and audiobooks. Some audiobooks are great companions during work. XD Of course, nothing beats reading a hardcopy. I've enjoyed "If Cats Disappeared from the World" this year. It's very different from the movie, but this is for another post.

More improvement on saving, spending, and sleep

I can say I've cut back on my online spending but it's still a lot. I always set aside for savings and bills but I'm still marupok or easily influenced, especially on things that I believe I need. Writing down my monthly online expenses help me evaluate what I really need versus what I want. It's also nice having to go in-store to check out things to buy to better evaluate quality. Not to mention, cutting back all those packaging and trash when you get your items. You won't believe how much trash I need to discard and hoping they'd get recycled. Honestly, you can't recycle every recyclables you get. If you're able to do that, please share tips!

Having said that, I want to recallibrate how I save. I want to be more specific and be more mindful on how I save and what I save for.

However, it's hard to recallibrate my sleeping pattern. Maybe it comes with age. I must say nothing beats following your natural sleeping patter: sleep at night, wake up in the morning. I've posted some of my just-woke-up face and you can see the difference on my undereyes and my overall vibe. I'm hoping this dilemma can be mended very soon.

2023 goals

I believe it helps to think about what you really want and what you want to achive. I wasn't really specific when I listed my goals last year. I was just kind of thinking about the general picture and let the specifics come along. Talking about what I have achieved, have achieved so far, and want to achieve is a refreshing thought. I need to be specific to simplify what I really want to hit. Posting my list in Instagram helps me out, too. 

My 2023 Goals

I've shamelessy blabbed on about what I've done for the past year. Is this me totally adulting? I believe goals are what keep you on track and sane, and refocus on priorities that you thought you've never had. What are your goals for 2023?