April 12, 2012

Sales Attendants Can Be Your Worst Nightmare

After 48 years, I get to blog here again. Hehe (#^o^#)

If I had the chance to leave my labyrinth and take on the real world, I never fail to go on window-shopping. I love to check products and mentally compare the prices and the types available online. I also love try out some samples or testers of products. Compared to shopping online, either you buy the sample, ask for a sample from the seller, or pray for a sample of the product. In a way, window-shopping in stores can be a little advantageous than online shopping.

However, window-shopping can be not so fun, especially if there are annoying sales attendants. I guess it is the SOP of most malls or shops to always entertain customers with whatever they need or with whatever questions they have. It is always expected to have that good level of customer service. Unfortunately, customer service is where some shops fail.

Just like recently, I went to a local mall just to window shop and look for good stuffs. And here came a long, a sales attendant who immediately followed me the moment I walked in and asked me what I am looking for. I said that I was just looking around but she kept following me like a shadow that I had just to leave the area.

There's one instance also that the sales attendant speaks the price first before anything else. It's like saying that, in a way, there's no way I can afford the product. Of course, I can afford :P, but that annoys me because it shows a bad case of arrogance. So on instances like that, I either buy the product or just leave. (facepalm)

These are just some of the bad encounters with sales attendants when window-shopping in stores. I don't know who's to blame for such uncanny customer service. It's maybe lack of mentoring and upgrading of the mall/shop or it just depends on the sales attendant itself. Whatever the reason is, I just keep my sanity and smile politely to annoying attendants rather having it ugly.

Do you have any bad experiences with sales attendants? XD

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