July 30, 2016

Into the Lazy Bug

I kinda envy other bloggers who regularly update their blogs whatever happens. I'm sort of a block or in a lazy period.  Honestly, I don't have any excuses. I've used them all!

Currently, I just enjoy reading the blogs that I follow.  I really applaud them that despite of their hectic schedule, they still find a way to put a review or their musings. I kinda said to myself that at least for a month, I get to write four (4) entries. Then, again, I barely even got four (4) entries for this year. Oh well...

If you know my story, I'm in a different place, different environment, different time zone. So it's like a first for me and the adjustments are still big. I'm still adjusting to everything. The upside is that I can have more time to write about how mundane I can be. That would be some expectations for me from me.

I just hope I won't drain into the lazy bug. And this calls for more will power (political power from Digong :D)!

Goodluck to me. :D

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