August 27, 2016

Facial Moisturizers Are For Oily-Skin Girls, Too!

If you have oily skin, you may think that wearing moisturizers would be such a hassle. You may think that your skin may be more oily; you can't wear moisturizers under your makeup because it may just slide; the feeling will be muggy, especially during hot and humid days. In the Philippines, there more hot and humid days rather than cool days. And there are more enough reasons for girls with oily skin NOT to wear moisturizers.

Well, I thought so too.

Until recently, I stumbled on articles and even blogs that even if you have oily skin, you should wear moisturizers. As early as 20 years old, the proteins that keep our skin elastic, supple and moisturized may lose gradually. Diet, hormones, season and weather changes may be the contributing factors. So looking for the right moisturizer for your skin type is a must to keep our skin healthy.

Moisturizers are not only for the ones that have dry skin.  I found that there are also that are formulated for oily skin girls.  Gel or water-based one work well for oily skin girls and on those hot, humid days!

Here are some moisturizers fit for oily skin.
Images taken from Google

If you read my previous blog, I tried one with a cream-type moisturizer. It has spf and quite light for a cream-type. It can work with oily skin but with caution. If you put too much, it may cause your skin to be more oily. Maybe, if your skin is on the dry to combination side or not too oily like me, it may just work for you!

As for me, I really haven't found my Holy Grail moisturizer, yet. I'm still on the verge for looking for one and I'm not giving up! :D

How about you, do you use moisturizers? What's your HG? :3

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