May 4, 2012

Epilin Hair Remover For Underarms Review

So another one-in-a-blue-moon post neh?

Anyways... I'm such a virgin when it comes to waxing my underarms. I have just tried shaving and hair removal creams ever since. I was quite skeptical with the whole waxing thing. The sound of it meant pain  and hassle for me because of the whole process of waxing. Of course I have heard about cold and hot wax. The cold wax appeals to me because you don't have to heat it. Hot wax doesn't because of the heating process. And from most of what I read and heard, most waxes, hot or cold, need strips which you can reuse. Sounds a good deal, isn't it? Still, it sounded pain and hassle for me, especially the hot wax. Can I be more lazy? XD

When my friend and I were browsing for good finds at the hair removal section of Watson's in a local mall, my friend suggested Epilin. I know Epilin--a kind of wax that you need to heat in order to use its waxing properties. Okay, I thought,pain and hassle! But she said that it's very easy to use and very economical. And 100 g. can take you a long way because the hair growth can be slow, she added. So last week, I bought Epilin. Fortunately, I got their smallest size which is 45 grams and is good for newbs and frugal like me.

The 45 grams looks like this:
I didn't take a picture before it was opened because I was excited like that :P

Here is the back part:
Not a good take on that.

But take a closer look:

Here are the more detailed instructions:
Perfect for newbies like me!

The aftermath.
Reusable, economical!

Just like my friend said, it was super easy and there was no hassle. The heating process is just less than a minute, depending on how much you need. You're going to need a pot holder if you're going to hold the tin container on a stove top. It cools easily , so you might reheat if after a few minutes. You don't need 
to have strips for this one too. Once the wax dries, you just have to pull the wax off. So easy and hassle free, you can finish waxing your underarms in thirty minutes! Remember, to pull the wax in rapid motion to lessen the pain. Unfortunately, I did other wise.  (>_<)

Epilin Hair Remover is an easy hot wax to use. If you are a newbie like me, you don't have to worry because there are detailed instructions included. You can heat the wax less than a minute, depending on how much you need. You don't need to have cloth or any strips anymore, just the wax and the provided spatula. You just have to pull the hardened wax off and voila! hair-free underarms! !^o^! You can reuse the wax too, just store it in room temperature and in a clean container. 

From this experience I can say, the preparation and after care for the skin make the hassles of waxing, especially in your underarms. As for the pain, it is tolerable and remember to read the instructions in detail and pull the wax in rapid motion! (^o^)

As they say: Beauty is pain...

Have you tried Epilin Hair Remover? How about other waxes? Please do share. m(___)m

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